Cellulite is incredibly hard to get rid of. Tired of fad diets and endless exercising that don’t give you the results you deserve? Thanks to EMTONE, you can finally say goodbye to frustrating cellulite! This advanced treatment is perfect for men and women looking to smooth away those dimply bumpy areas and restore firm, smooth skin.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is caused when bulging subcutaneous fat deposits are bound up in taut fibrous connective tissues. The taut tissues pull down the skin, emphasizing the bound-up fat deposits, and this creates an uneven skin surface that looks puckered and dimpled. Most cellulite is found in the thighs, hips, and buttocks.

Anyone can develop cellulite due to factors like increases in body fat, cumulative sun damage, and skin laxity. Cellulite deposits are also attributed to the natural decline in skin thickness during the aging process.

How Can EMTONE Help Me Get Rid of Cellulite?

EMTONE is a non-invasive cellulite-reduction treatment that combines thermal and mechanical energy. By pairing radiofrequency (RF) energy and targeted pressure energy (TPE), EMTONE addresses the factors contributing to cellulite deposits. It treats loss of skin elasticity, larger fat chambers, poor blood circulation, rigid collagen fibers, and accumulated metabolic waste beneath the skin.

Once these factors are resolved, cellulite disappears. New cellulite buildup is also prevented. Remember, to keep that new cellulite from forming, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise routine!

How Many EMTONE Treatments Will I Need to See Results?

Clients need around four to six EMTONE treatments for ideal results. The exact number of treatments will depend on the treatment areas and the severity of the cellulite deposits. The results of each treatment will also impact the number of follow-up treatment sessions.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Before the treatment, you’ll need to come in for a consultation so we can make sure it’s right for you. We’ll examine the areas you’d like us to treat, and we’ll also go over your medical history.

Each treatment session will last around five to twenty minutes, depending on the treatment areas. A lotion will be applied to protect your skin and allow the handpiece to move smoothly over the treatment area. The treatment feels like having a hot stone massage with intense vibration.

Why Should I Choose EMTONE?

If you’re looking for an effective non-invasive cellulite treatment, EMTONE’s right for you! EMTONE’s results speak for themselves. More than 90% of clients are satisfied with their results. Around 93% of clients notice visible cellulite reduction, and over 90% of clients notice significant improvement in viscoelasticity. 86% of clients notice a visible reduction in skin laxity.

Take the First Step

Find out more about EMTONE in Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics at Refresh Palm Beach! Get in touch today to set up your personalized consultation.