Did you know that there’s a simple non-invasive way to fix your incontinence? Thanks to Emsella, you don’t have to suffer from urinary incontinence anymore. No more frequent visits to the bathroom, no more embarrassing incidents—just peace of mind!

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is the inability to control one’s bladder. Urinary incontinence can occur in both men and women. There are a number of types, including urge, stress, mixed, overflow, and functional (neurogenic) incontinence.

Urge incontinence is when someone experiences intense and sudden urges to urinate. Stress incontinence is urination that occurs whenever pressure is applied to the bladder. It can happen when you sneeze, cough, or laugh, or even when you’re working out. Mixed incontinence is a combination of urge and stress incontinence.

Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder can’t empty itself properly, causing leaks. Lastly, functional incontinence is urination caused by either physical or mental impairments.

You might be at risk for incontinence based on factors like age, obesity, persistent coughing, and chronic constipation. Women are also at a greater risk due to vaginal childbirth and menopause.

What Is Emsella and How Does It Fix Incontinence?

The Emsella chair is an FDA-approved device used for treating all types of incontinence for both men and women. This breakthrough non-invasive treatment uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy.

The treatment activates the motor neurons to contract the pelvic floor muscles. This causes thousands of contractions in a single treatment, helping the pelvic floor muscles increase in mass and strength. This creates support for the pelvic organs, and for women, it also tightens the vaginal walls.

What Happens During the Emsella Treatment Session?

The Emsella treatment session only takes around 30 minutes. Emsella is pain-free and very comfortable. No anesthesia is needed, and it’s completely non-surgical and non-invasive.

You’ll get to remain fully clothed throughout the entire session. The Emsella treatment doesn’t require any operator once it starts. You’ll be able to read, listen to music, or simply relax during treatment. Afterwards, you can go home and get back to your day without any need for recovery or downtime.

How Long Will Results Last?

According to surveys, 33% of the patients who underwent Emsella treatment are completely cured of their incontinence. In addition, 75% of the treated patients noticed a significant decrease in their incontinence after treatment. 95% of patients experienced significant improvement in their quality of life.

Most patients require six sessions and can enjoy nine to twelve months of relief from urinary incontinence. Follow-up treatments may be needed to maintain the results.

Do I Need a Consultation Before Treatment?

A consultation at Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics will help us make sure you’re a good candidate for Emsella treatment. Your lifestyle, diet, and exercise habits will all be discussed, since they can all be potential causes of incontinence. You’ll learn more about your personalized treatment plan, including the number of sessions you’ll need. We’re happy to answer any questions!

Get Started Today

At Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics, we’re here to help. Take the first step towards regaining bladder control and peace of mind—get in touch today to set up your Emsella consultation.