As we end another year, we must start to think about our resolutions for the new one. Have you thought about yours yet? With Christmas coming and year-end bonuses right around the corner, now is the time to speak up and tell your loved ones “I want to make time for me this year!” What better way to do so than to have spider vein treatments, so you can look and feel your best?

Why Get Laser Vein Removal

Bumps and blemishes and discolorations can all be very embarrassing. They can make it difficult to want to go out in public and do the things you used to enjoy doing. Spider veins are no exception, especially when they’re on your face or legs. While it’s sometimes possible to find the right combination of makeup to conceal spider veins on your face, it’s not so easy to hide them on your legs unless you’re willing to give up wearing shorts and swimsuits. Laser vein removal is a safe and easy way to get rid of them forever, so you can get back to doing the things that you love to do without worrying about people noticing your spider veins.

How Laser Vein Removal Works

Laser vein removal is FDA approved and one of the safest methods you could choose to eliminate spider veins. During your treatment, a precision laser targets the surface veins that show up beneath your skin. By burning and destroying these surface veins, scar tissue from the burn closes off both ends of the vein. Removed from its blood supply, it quickly and harmlessly collapses. Some redness and/or slight swelling may occur after a treatment. However, they are short lived.

Eliminate Spider Veins With Laser Vein Treatment in Jupiter

You’ve taken care of others all year long – why not make 2018 the year that you prioritize yourself? With a little bit of holiday magic and some help from our trained team of laser practitioners, feel more like yourself again in less time than it takes to get your kids out of bed and off to school. Take the next step in self-care today, and call Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics at 561.250.6169 to schedule your laser vein removal consultation.