As technologies grow, more and more people are getting the looks of their dreams without the need for surgical procedures. At Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics, we know that pulsed light treatments are the new top choice in treating a wide variety of issues. We offer the best IPL treatments in Jupiter, using the latest technologies to give our patients their best looks yet. If you’ve never had IPL treatments, also known as Photo Facials, it’s time to see how our experts at Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics can help give you the beauty you’ve always longed for with customized IPL treatments in Jupiter.

At Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics, we use intense pulses of light to treat tissues deep in the skin. This procedure calls on your skin’s natural rejuvenation processes. Our IPL treatments in Jupiter help collagen and blood vessels deep within the skin to constrict, and this activity helps bring serious skin improvement. You can address many different issues with our IPL treatments, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Fine Lines
  • Freckles
  • Dark Spots
  • Rosacea
  • Uneven Pigmentation
  • Sun Damage

Our IPL treatments are the secret to a beautiful all-over glow of healthy and happy skin. We can use our IPL Photo Facial procedures to treat one or several of these issues. The severity of your skin problems will determine how quickly you see results, but many patients see results within the first week of their IPL treatment.

Many people assume that they’re not a good candidate for IPL treatments, but our team at Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics knows this procedure is wide reaching. Men, women and people of all ages can enjoy serious skin improvement thanks to our IPL treatments in Jupiter. Because we take a personalized approach to your IPL treatments, we know that people of varying skin tones can also see benefits from this procedure.

One of the biggest issues that our IPL treatments can address is the skin around the neck and chin. As women age, their skin can start to wrinkle and fold along the neck. This folding skin can give the appearance of a sagging turkey neck. But at Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics, we can fight this sign of aging with our IPL treatments in Jupiter. It’s true, our IPL Photo Facials can reduce the wrinkling around your neck, bringing transformation and considerable improvement.

If you’re ready to set your skin on the right track, it’s time to undo past damage. At Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics, we can help turn your skin around with our IPL treatments in Jupiter. If you’re looking for the best IPL, it’s time to see how our team at Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics can help. To learn more, please call 561.250.6169 to schedule your appointment.