CO2RE Intima is sweeping the nation, due to the ease of this procedure and its reputation as the best alternative to surgical intervention. Experience natural tightening, and improved color and texture without the risk of scarring. These are just a few of the many reasons why vaginal rejuvenation is gaining popularity across the country.

No More Pain During Intimacy

Pain from intimacy can be caused by many different vulvar diseases in which blistering and inflammation are common. Treatments with CO2RE Intima can reduce inflammation and other symptoms caused by disease such as itching, burning, or other irritations.

Pre-Childbirth Tightness Restored

Although childbirth is natural and beautiful, it leaves physical signs on the body. The stretching that occurs during childbirth is not the end of your perfect shape; it’s just the beginning of something new. CO2RE Intima non-surgically tightens damaged tissues to look and feel just as it did before children (or maybe even better!).Signs of Aging “Down There” Erased

One of the greatest results after experiencing CO2RE Intima is a softer, more natural feel. Over time, texture changes dramatically due to natural causes such as age or scarring. With CO2RE, you replace wrinkles with full, natural, rejuvenated skin. It’s as if you could turn back the hands of time.

No Need to Fear Sneezing

All moms who have given birth vaginally know that things are never quite the same after having children. Leaking when you sneeze is a common problem and symptom of post-childbirth. There is no need to be embarrassed of or worry about it. However, it is inconvenient and uncontrollable without treatment. Vaginal rejuvenation can remove this issue completely by tightening the tissues that prevent leakage.

Get Your Sexy Back With CO2RE Intima Vaginal Rejuvenation in Jupiter

So far, 100% of women across the globe who have experienced Intima reported satisfaction, and 81% even reported an increase in sexual satisfaction. So what are you waiting for? All Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics technicians performing vaginal rejuvenation receive extensive training in the application of CO2RE Intima.

Trust our skilled technicians to give you a first-rate experience. Call Refresh Palm Beach Medical Aesthetics in Jupiter for more information on the benefits of vaginal rejuvenation and schedule your complimentary consultation today – 561.250.6169.